Solved Paper II English UGC NET - June 2011

Paper – II (2011 June)
Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions, each question carrying two(2) marks. Attempt all the questions.
1. Little Nell is a character in Dickens’s
(A) Hard Times
(B) Great Expectations
(C) Oliver Twist
(D) The Old Curiosity Shop
The old curiosity shop was published as a book in 1841which Dickens published along with short stories in his weekly serial Master Humphrey's Clock, which lasted from 1840 to 1841. The Old Curiosity Shop tells the story of Nell Trent, a beautiful and virtuous young girl of 'not quite fourteen.' An orphan, she lives with her maternal grandfather (whose name is never revealed) in his shop of odds and ends. She lives a lonely existence with almost no friends her own age. Her only friend is Kit, an honest boy employed at the shop, and whom she is teaching to write. Secretly obsessed with ensuring that Nell does not die in poverty as her parents did, her grandfather attempts to make Nell a good inheritance through gambling at cards. He borrows heavily from the evil Daniel Quilp, a malicious, grotesquely deformed, hunchbacked dwarf moneylender. In the end, he gambles away what little money they have, and Quilp seizes the opportunity to take possession of the shop and evict Nell and her grandfather. Her grandfather suffers a breakdown that leaves him bereft of his wits, and Nell takes him away to the Midlands of England, to live as beggars. Convinced that the old man has stored up a fortune for Nell, her wastrel brother Frederick convinces the good-natured but easily-led Dick Swiveller to help him track Nell down so that Swiveller can marry her and the two can share Nell's supposed inheritance.  Kit has found new employment with Mr and Mrs Garland.  Nell is trapped by Quill but escapes.  He comes to know about the whereabouts of Nell.  But when he reaches there, Nell is dead due to arduous journey and her grandfather has turned insane.  He waits for his granddaughter to come back until he dies after some days.
2. Who, among the following Indian writers in English, has created an identifiable imagined locale ?
(A) Mulk Raj Anand
(B) Raja Rao
(C) R.K. Narayan
(D) Anita Desai
Malgudi is the imagined locale created by R.K Narayan.
3. Who among the following is not a formalist critic ?
(A) Allen Tate
(B) Cleanth Brooks
(C) Stanley Fish
(D) William Empson
Stanley Eugene Fish, an American literary theorist (born in 1938) is a critic associated with Reader Response theory.
4. The rhyme scheme of the Spenserian sonnet is
(A) abab bcbc cdcd ee
(B) abab cdcd efef gg
(C) abba cddc effe gg
(D) abba abba cde cde
  • Petrarchan Sonnet: abba ababa, cde cde, or ababa abba cdc dcd, Shakespearean sonnet: abab cdcd efef gg.
5. Who among the following Marlovian characters is consumed by greed ?
(A) Barabas
(B) Tamburlaine
(C) Doctor Faustus
(D) Mephistopheles
Barabas, the jew of Malta is consumed by greed.  Tamburlaie – power, Doctor Faustus – knowledge , power and desire to enjoy life. Mephistopheles is the demon in Faustus legend, to whom Faustus give his soul. The complete title of Marlow’s play is The Tragicall History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus
6. The plan of Arthurian stories has influenced the composition of Tennyson’s
(A) In Memoriam
(B) Idylls
(C) “Maud”
(D) “Locksley Hall”
Idylls of the King, published between 1856 and 1885, is a cycle of twelve narrative poems which retells the legend of King Arthur, his knights, his love for Guinevere and her tragic betrayal of him, and the rise and fall of Arthur's kingdom.
7. There are two lists given below. Match the authors in List – I with their nationality in List – II by choosing the right option against the code.
List – I (Author)                                                          List – II (Nationality)
(I) Patrick White                                                                      (1) Canada
(II) Nadine Gordimer                                                              (2) New Zealand
(III) Margaret Atwood                                                             (3) Australia
(IV) Keri Hulme                                                                       (4) South Africa
Code :
(I)         (II)        (III)       (IV)
(A)       (2)        (1)        (4)       (3)
(B)       (4)        (3)        (2)       (1)
(C)       (3)       (4)        (1)        (2)
(D)       (3)        (2)        (4)        (1)
8. A Shakespearean sonnet has the
following rhyme scheme :
9. “The future of poetry is immense, because in poetry…. our race, as time goes on, will find an ever surer and surer stay.” – This claim for poetry is made in
(A) Arnold’s “The Study ofPoetry”
(B) Shelley’s “A Defence ofPoetry”
(C) Sidney’s “An Apology forPoetry”
(D) Eliot’s of Poetry and Poets
10. Which of the following is not about a dystopia ?
(A) George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four
(B) Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World
(C) William Golding’s Lord of the Flies
(D) R.M. Ballantyne’s The Coral Island
The Coral Island: A Tale of the Pacific Ocean (1858) is a novel written by Scottish fiction author R. M. Ballantyne at the height of the British Empire. The story relates the adventures of three boys marooned on a South Pacific island, the only survivors of a shipwreck. The novel is inspired by Robinson Crusoe.
11. Who among the following is not associated with the translation of the Bible ?
(A) Miles Coverdale
(B) William Tyndale
(C) John Wycliffe
(D) Thomas Browne
12. Arrange the following stages in a sequence in which all Shakespearean tragedies are structured. Use the code given below :
I. Denouement
II. Conflict
III. Exposition
IV. Climax
Code :
(A) III, II, IV, I
(B) III, IV, II, I
(C) II, IV, III, I
(D) II, IV, I, III
13. The term, ‘curtal sonnet’, was coined by
(A) John Milton
(B) William Blake
(C) Gerald Manley Hopkins
(D) Matthew Arnold
14. The author of the pamphlet Short View of Immorality and Profaneness of the English Stage (1698) was
(A) John Bunyan
(B) Jeremy Collier
(C) William Wycherley
(D) John Vanbrugh
15. Identify a play in the following list that is not written by Oscar Wilde :
(A) A Woman of No Importance
(B) The Importance of Being Earnest
(C) Saints and Sinners
Saints and Sinners is a play on modern middle class life by Henry Arthur Jones.
(D) An Ideal Husband
16. Put the following novels by Charles Dickens in a sequential order with the help of the code:
1. Great Expectations
2. Hard Times
3. Bleak House
4. A Tale of Two Cities
Code :
(A) 3, 2, 4, 1
(B) 2, 4, 3, 1
(C) 1, 2, 4, 3
(D) 4, 2, 1, 3
Bleak house 1853, Hard Times 1854, A Tale of two Cities 1859, Great Expectations -1860
17. Thomas Kyd’s The Spanish Tragedy was influenced by
(A) Seneca
(B) Tertullian
(C) Virgil
(D) Plautus
18. In its final published version, Eliot’s
The Waste Land contains a total of
(A) 334 lines (B) 433 lines
(C) 373 lines (D) 423 lines
Final version of The Waste Land is 434 lines
19. Jean Rhys’s Wide Sargasso Sea is set in
(A) The Congo region
(B) The Niger Delta
(C) The Caribbean
(D) The African Savannah
Wide Sargasso Sea(1966) is the most successful and post colonial novel by Dominican born Jean Rhys. The novel parallels Charlotte Bronte’s ‘Jane Eyre’. Her other novel is Good morning , midnight. 1939. Part One takes place in Coulibri, Jamaica and is narrated by Antoinette. Part Two alternates between the points of view of her husband and of Antoinette following their marriage and is set in Granbois, Dominica.
20. Hamlet, lying wounded, says to his friend, “Horatio, I am dead.” This is an example of
(A) protasis
(B) anacrusis
(C) prolepsis
(D) pun
Prolepsis is a Figurative device by which a future event is presumed to have already occurred.
21. The Castle of Otranto is an example of
(A) Gothic fiction
(B) Romance
(C) Comic fiction
(D) Bildungsroman
22. “The City of Dreadful Night”, a long poem depicting the late Victorian sense of gloom and despondency, is written by
(A) Matthew Arnold
(B) Robert Browning
(C) James Thomson
(D) John Davidson
23. Which of the following novels by V.S. Naipaul is set in Africa and carries echoes of Joseph Conrad ?
(A) The Mystic Masseur
(B) A Bend in the River
(C) A House for Mr. Biswas
(D) The Mimic Men
A bend in the river is set in an unnamed African country.
24. In The Rape of the Lock, Belinda’s lapdog is named
(A) Luck (B) Shock
(C) Pluck (D) Muck
25. You Can’t Do Both is a novel by
(A) John Fowles
(B) Doris Lessing
(C) Kingsley Amis
(D) Irish Murdoch
You can’t do both is a semi autobiographical novel published in 1994.  Amis’s first novel, Lucky Jim (1954), is perhaps his most famous. The novel criticizes academic society. That Uncertain Feeling (1955) centres on a young provincial librarian and his temptation towards adultery; I Like It Here (1958) presents Amis’s contemptuous view of “abroad” and followed upon his own travels on the Continent with a young family; Take a Girl Like You (1960) steps away from the immediately autobiographical, but remains grounded in the concerns of sex and love in ordinary modern life, tracing the courtship and ultimate seduction of the heroine Jenny Bunn by a young schoolmaster, Patrick Standish. In The Anti-Death League (1966), Amis begins to show some of the experimentation. His other works are The Green Man (1969) (mystery/horror) and The Alteration (1976) (alternate history) I Want It Now (1968) and Girl, 20 (1971). In 1968 What Became of Jane Austen? and Other Essays, In 1965, he wrote the popular The James Bond Dossier under his own name.
26. The character, Nathan Zuckerman, is associated with the fiction of
(A) Norman Mailer
(B) Saul Bellow
(C) Philip Roth
(D) Bernard Malamud
  • Nathan Zuckerman is a fictional character who appears as the narrator or protagonist in many of Philip Roth’s novels.  Zuckerman makes his first appearance in the novel, My Life As a Man (1974), where he is the creation of another fictional character, writer Peter Tarnopol.  The Ghost Writer, where he is the story's protagonist  and in Zuckerman Unbound (1981) he is an established novelist. (Zuckerman novels: The Ghost Writer Zuckerman Unbound The Anatomy Lesson, The Prague Orgy, The Counter life, American Pastoral, I Married a Communist, The Human Stain, Exit Ghost
27. Plato censured poetry because he believed it
(A) eliminates the ego.
(B) promotes sensuality.
(C) distorts reality.
(D) cripples the imagination.
28. Which of the following Tennyson poems is a dramatic monologue ?
(A) In Memoriam
(B) “The Charge of the Light Brigade”
(C) “Crossing the Bar”
(D) “Tithonus”
Originally written in 1833 as "Tithon" and completed in 1859. It first appeared in the February edition of the Cornhill Magazine in 1860.
29. The character Giovanni features in one of the following texts :
(A) John Cleland’s Fanny Hill : Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure
(B) John Ford’s ‘Tis Pity She’s a Whore’
(C) John Braine’s Room at the Top
(D) John Evelyn’s Diaries
Tis Pity She's a Whore is a tragedy written by John Ford. The play was first published in 1633, in a quarto. Ford dedicated the play to John Mordaunt, 1st Earl of Peterborough and Baron of Turvey. Giovanni is the central character who shows an incest towards his sister Annabella.
30. Which of the following poems features the phrase, “the still, sad music of humanity” ?
(A) “Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood”
(B) “Michael : A Pastoral Poem”
(C) “The Solitary Reaper”
(D) “Tintern Abbey”
31. Molly Bloom is a character in James Joyce’s
(A) A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
(B) Dubliners
(C) Ulysses
(D) Exiles
Molly Bloom, whose given name is Marion, is the wife of the main character Leopold Bloom in Ulysses.
32. Eliot uses the term “objective correlative” in his essay.
(A) “The Metaphysical Poets”
(B) “Hamlet”
(C) “Tradition and the Individual Talent”
(D) “Dante”
‘Objective correlative’ is the term referring to a symbolic article used to show inexplicable feelings like emotion. The term was popularized by Eliot in the essay "Hamlet and His Problems".  The term was first used by Washington Allston.
33. Seamus Heaney was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in the year
(A) 1995
(B) 1996
(C) 1997
(D) 1998
34. The pamphlet on the Irish condition, “An Address to the Irish People” was composed by
(A) W.B. Yeats
(B) P.B. Shelley
(C) Jonathan Swift
(D) G.B. Shaw
35. Which of the following arrangements of English novels is in the correct chronological sequence ?
(A) Kim, A Passage to India, Sons and Lovers, Brave New World
(B) Sons and Lovers, A Passage to India, Kim, Brave New World
(C) Kim, Sons and Lovers, A Passage to India, Brave New World
(D) Brave New World, Kim, Sons and Lovers, A Passage to India
 Kim 1901,Sons and Lovers 1913,A passage to India 1924,Brave New World 1932.
36. “Verses on the Death of Dr. Swift” is written by
(A) Alexander Pope
(B) Samuel Johnson
(C) John Gay
(D) Jonathan Swift
Verses on the Death of Dr. Swift is written by Jonathan Swift in 1731; Published 1739
37. Widowers’ Houses was written by
(A) Oscar Wilde
(B) T.S. Eliot
(C) John Galsworthy
(D) G.B. Shaw
Widower’s house(1892) is the first play written by G.B Shaw to be staged
38. Who among the following Marxist critics has reconsidered the classic problem of ‘base and superstructure” in relation to literature ?
(A) Edmund Wilson
(B) Raymond Williams
(C) Lucien Goldmann
(D) Walter Benjamin
39. “Heteroglossia” refers to
(A) the multiple readings of a text.
(B) the juxtaposition of multiple voices in a text.
(C) the comments on the margins of a text.
(D) the gloss or commentary relating to a text.
40. Margaret Drabble is the author of
(A) The Memoirs of a Survivor
(B) The Witch of Exmoor
(C) The Service of Clouds
(D) The Godless in Eden
41. MacFlecknoe is an attack on Dryden’s literary rival,
(A) Richard Flecknoe
(B) Thomas Shadwell
(C) John Wilmot
(D) Matthew Prior
42. Eighteenth century writers used satire frequently for
(A) attacking human vices and follies.
(B) inciting the reading public.
(C) glorifying the culture of the upper classes.
(D) pleasing their women readers.
43. Byron’s “The Vision of Judgement” is a satire directed against
(A) Charles Lamb
(B) John Keats
(C) Henry Hallam
(D) Robert Southey
44. Tom Paine’s The Rights of Man was published in
(A) 1790
(B) 1791
(C) 1792
(D) 1793
45. Andrew Marvell’s “An Horatian Ode upon Cromwell’s Return from Ireland” was written in
(A) 1647
(B) 1649
(C) 1650
(D) 1648
46. “The Rime of Ancient Mariner” is about
(A) a perilous adventure in the sea
(B) the accidental killing of an octopus
(C) the curse of a sea God
(D) the guilt and expiation of the Ancient Mariner
47. “To Daffodils” is a poem, written by
(A) Robert Herrick
(B) William Wordsworth
(C) John Keats
(D) P.B. Shelley
48. Which of the following novels reconstructs the historical events of the Indian Mutiny ?
(A) The Jewel in the Crown
(B) The Siege of Krishnapur
(C) The Day of the Scorpion
(D) The Towers of Silence
49. “England, my England” is a poem by
(A) W.E. Henley
(B) A.E. Housman
(C) R.L. Stevenson
(D) Rudyard Kipling
50. Shelley was expelled from the Oxford University due to the publication of
(A) The Revolt of Islam
(B) The Necessity of Atheism
(C) The Triumph of Life
(D) The Masque of Anarchy