Quiz 4 - UGC NET/JRF English

Q.1 Whom did Sidney dedicate his work Arcadia to?
A) Penelope Devereux
B) Edmund Spenser
C) Himself
D) Mary Herbert

Q.2 In the Masque, The Lady of May who are the two suitors, who are also said to be drawn on real life suitors of Queen Elizabeth?
A) Therion & Rombus
B) Rombus & Rixus
C) Therion & Espilus
D) Espilus & Rombus

Q.3 The term ‘Sarcasm’ was first recorded in which English poet’s work?
A) Philip Sidney
B) Edmund Spenser
C) Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey
D) Sir Thomas Wyatt

Q.4 The literary group ‘Areopagus’ comprised of which of the following poets?
I) Edmund Spenser & Earl of Leicester
II) Philip Sidney & Edward Dryer
III) Fulke Greville
IV) Thomas Sackville
A) I, II & III B) II & IV
C) Only I D) I, II, III & IV

Q.5 In the novel, The Unfortunate Traveller, Jack Wilton encounters many historical figures of the sixteenth century; many of them important for their literary contributions. Which of the following figures does not appear in the novel?
A) Thomas Wyatt
B) Sir Thomas More
C) Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey
D) Erasmus

Q.6 Which of the following was the first picaresque novel in English?
A) Lazarillo de Tormes
B) The Unfortunate Traveller
C) Moll Flanders
D) Simplicius Simplicissimus

Q.7 There exists two plays of same name- The Massacre of Paris. One was written during the Elizabethan age by Christopher Marlowe. The other was written in Restoration age by
A) John Webster
B) Ben Jonson
C) John Dryden
D) Nathaniel Lee

Q.8 Match the correct play with the year of its publication.
Name of the work
Year of Publication
1) Dido, Oueen of Carthage
I) 1631
2) Volpone
II) 1592
3) Bartholomew Fair
III) 1594
4) The Spanish Tragedy
IV) 1607

A) 1-II 2-III 3-I 4-IV
B) 1-III 2-IV 3-I 4- II
C) 1-I 2-III 3-II 4-IV
D) 1-III 2-II 3-I 4-IV

Q.9 Which play became a milestone in Elizabethan drama along with Thomas Kyd’s The Spanish Tragedy?
A) The Jew of Malta
B) The Revenger’s Tragedy
C) Tamburlaine
D) Titus Andronicus

Q.10 Who is the innocent noble who is accused of Balthazar’s murder in The Spanish Tragedy?
A) Villuppo
B) Alexandro
C) Horatio
D) Pedringano

Q.11 Match the correct pair
Name of the work they appear in
1) Chris Baldry

I) The Man Who Had All the Luck
2) Halvard Solness

II) The Lady’s Not for Burning
3) David Beeves

III) The Return of the Soldier
4) Thomas Mendip

IV) The Master Builder

A) 1-IV 2-III 3-II 4-I
B) 1-I 2-II 3-III 4-IV
C) 1-III 2-IV 3-I 4-II
D) 1-III 2-II 3-I 4-IV
Q.12 The character, Bosola from The Duchess of Malfi compares himself to which Greek mythological figure?
A) Tantalus
B) Cronus
C) Dioskouroi
D) Epimetheus

Q.13 At the beginning of the play in Volpone, Volpone pretends to be on his deathbed to dupe three men. Who of the following is NOT that man?
A) Voltore
B) Corbaccio
C) Mosca
D) Corvino

Q.14 Who schemes to bring Vittoria and Brachiano together in the hopes of advancing his career in the play The White Devil?
A) Lodovico
B) Flamineo
C) Giovanni
D) Camillo

Q.15 Who eventually marries Dame Pliant in the play The Alchemist?
A) Face
B) Subtle
C) Lovewit
D) Drugger

Q.16 A Tale of a Tub is a play by _____________.
A) John Webster
B) Jonathan Swift
C) Cyril Tourneur
D) Ben Jonson

Q.17 “The Puppet show” in the play Bartholomew Fair is a burlesque of ____________.
A) Hero and Leander
B) Damon and Pythias
C) Both A & B
D) Only A

Q.18 The play The Lady’s Not for Burning is set in the_______________
A) Modern Age
B) Renaissance Age
C) Middle Age
D) during world war II

Q.19 In 1733, Lewis Theobald rewrote and directed an adaptation of a Jacobean play and entitled it The Fatal Secret. Which play was this?
A) The White Devil
B) Every Man Out of His Humour
C) The Duchess of Malfi
D) Eastward Ho

Q.20 In 1912, she accused H. G. Wells of being “the Old Maid among novelists” in a provocative review of his novel Marriage. Who was this critic?
A) Zora Neale Hurston
B) Rebecca West
C) Willa Cather
D) Gabriela Mistral

Q.21 Match the correct pair

Lines from the work
Name of the work
1) Why don’t we have a little game? Let’s pretend that we’re human beings, and that we’re actually alive.
I) Hedda Gabler
2) "Oh courage...oh yes! If only one had that...Then life might be livable, in spite of everything."
II) All My Sons
3) “I would love to help humanity on a Warner Brothers salary.”
III) Look Back in Anger
4) "Now that's the difference between the colored man and the white man. The colored man can't fix nothing with the law."
IV) The Piano Lesson

A) 1-III 2-II 3-IV 4-I
B) 1-III 2-I 3-II 4-IV
C) 1-II 2-III 3-I 4-IV
D) 1-III 2-II 3-I 4-IV

Q.22 Who is the narrator of the novel The Return of the Soldier?
A) Jenny
B) Margaret
C) Kitty
D) Chris

Q.23 Personal Enemy is a play by ______________.
1) John Osborne
2) Anthony Creighton
3) John Wain
4) Alan Sillitoe
A) Only 1 B) both 1 & 2
C) Only 2 D) both 1 & 4

Q.24 The Skull Beneath the Skin, a novel by P. D. James centers around an actress who plans to perform a Jacobean drama in a Victorian Castle Theatre. Which play is this?
A) Dido Queen of Carthage
B) The Atheist’s Tragdey
C) Mortimer His Fall
D) The Duchess of Malfi

Q.25 Which of the following statement is NOT true?
A) The phrase ‘Angry Young Men’ was originally coined by Royal Court Theatre to promote
Osborne’s Look Back in Anger, which was also the monumental literary work that influenced the movement of the Angry Young Man.
B) The term was mainly used for young writers who were characterized by a disillusionment with traditional British society; however, the term lost its significance as many of the writers to whom it was applied dismissed the label as useless.
C) The playwrights and novelists associated with it were mainly from the upper class who rose to prominence in the 1950s.
D) John Osborne, Kingsley Amis, Edward Bond, Harold Pinter, John Braine, Arnold Wesker, Alan Sillitoe and John Wain were few writers associated with this movement, who were known
as “Angries”.