Romantics Quiz - 1

1. Keat's Endymion has
(a) 3,000 lines
(b) 4,000 lines
(c) 2500 lines
(d) 4,500 lines

2. Which is the pair of lovers Endymion does not meet in Keat's Endymion?
(a) Venus and Adonis
(b) Romeo and Juliet
(c) Glaucus and Scylla
(d) Arcthusa and Alpheus

3. Who wrote the famous Preface to the Lyri¬cal Ballads?
(a) Coleridge
(b) Southey
(c) Wordsworth
(d) Byron

4. When were the Lyrical Ballads published?
(a) 1797
(b) 1798
(c) 1800
(d) 1801

5. The Lyrical Ballads opens with
(a) Kubla Khan
(b) Ode to Duty
(c) Rime of the Ancient Mariner
(d) Immortality Ode

6. The Lyrical Ballads closes with
(a) Kubla Khan
(b) Immortality Ode
(c) Cristobel
(d) Lines Written above Tin tern Abbey

7. Who was the third person with Coleridge and Wordsworth at Quantico Hills when the Lyrical Ballads were composed?
(a) Robert Southey
(b) Walter Scott
(c) Dorothy Wordsworth
(d) Mary Lamb

8. William Wordsworth was born in
(a) 1770
(b) 1771
(c) 1768
(d) 1769

9. Who of the following is known for his Hel¬lenic Spirit?
(a) Lord Byron
(b) RB. Shelley
(c) Southey
(d) John Keats

10. Who wrote:
"Our Sweetest songs are those that tell our saddest thoughts"?
(a) RB. Shelley
(b) Robert Southey
(c) Cardinal Newman
(d) S.T. Coleridge

11. How do we classify Shelley's Prometheus Unbound? As
(a) an epic
(b) a legendary story
(c) mythological story
(d) a lyrical drama

12. Who wrote this: "He prayed well, who loved well both man and bird and beast"?
(a) William Wordsworth
(b) S.T Coleridge
(c) Leigh Hunt
(d) Cardinal Newman

13. Name the journal to which Southey contributed regularly.
(a) The Quarterly Review
(b) The Backwoods Magazine
(c) The Edinburgh Review
(d) The Westminster Review

14. Sir Walter Scott collected Scottish ballads, and published them along with his own, in
(a) The Lay of the Last Minstrel
(b) Marion
(c) Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border
(d) The Lord of the Isles

15. How old was Byron when he published Hours of Idleness, a collection of poems in heroic couplet?
(a) 19 
(b) 29
(c) 18 
(d) 30

16. When Hours of Idleness was criticized by the Edinburgh Review, Lord Byron retaliated by writing a satiric piece. What was the title of this satire?
(a) The Vision of Judgment
(b) Mazeppa
(c) The Giaour
(d) English Bards and Scotch Reviewers

17. How many cantos could Byron complete of Childe Harold's Pilgrimage during his two years tour of the continent?
(a) All four
(b) First two
(c) One and three
(d) Only one

18. The first two cantos of Childe Harold take a reader to
(a) Spain
(b) Portugal
(c) Greece and Albania
(d) All of the above.

19. What is the tone of the ending of the second canto of Childe Harold?
(a) Joyous
(b) Melancholy
(c) Self-pitying
(d) Optimistic

20. In which canto does the description of the "Battle of Waterloo" appear?
(a) Canto I
(b) It is an independent poem
(c) Canto III
(d) Canto IV

21. Who is the hero of Childe Harold?
(a) Nature
(b) An unnamed traveler
(c) A legendary king
(d) The poet himself

22. "Michael", "The Solitary Reaper," "To a High¬land Girl" - all these poems depict
(a) the poet's joy at the beauty of nature
(b) simple common folk
(c) poet's awe at the spiritual presence
(d) deep sense of music

23. What was Wordsworth's professed aim in the Lyrical Ballads?
(a) Purge poetry of all conceit
(b) Simplicity of diction
(c) Make it intelligible to common people
(d) All of the above

24. Which work inspired Coleridge's Kubls Khan?
(a) Holinshed's Chronicle
(b) Plutarch's Lives
(c) Travels in Scotland
(d) Purchas's Pilgrimage

25. The name of the prisoner of Chillon was
(a) Beppo
(b) Giaour
(c) Francois de Bonnivard
(d) Pasha

26. The Vision of Judgment is
(a) an attack on Jeffrey, the editor
(b) satire on Southey
(c) satire on a young man of Seville
(d) satire on society

27. Don Juan has
(a) 5 cantos (b) 15 cantos
(c) 16 cantos (d) 20 cantos

28. Who is Halide in Don Juan?
(a) Wife of Don Alfonso
(b) Daughter of an old pirate
(c) Princess of Constantinople
(d) A Duchess

29. Where do we find these lines? "Man's love is of man's life a thing apart, "Tis woman's whole existence...."?
(a) Don Juan
(b) Bipod
(c) Childe Harold
(d) Lara

30. Where do we meet these characters? Don Alfonso, Julia, Sultana? In
(a) Lara
(b) Don Juan
(c) Childe Harold
(d) Beppo

31. When he wrote Queen Mab, Shelley was only
(a) 19 
(b) 18
(c) 21 
(d) 22

32. Which of Shelley's poems has a story from Greek mythology?
(a) Prometheus Unbound
(b) Alastor
(c) Queen Mab
(d) Julian and Maddalo

33. Which poem was inspired by the Greek proclamation of independence, followed by Greek revolt against Turkish rule?
(a) Epipsychidion
(b) Queen Mab
(c) Hellas
(d) Prometheus

34. Who is Adonais of the poem Adonais?
(a) Lord Byron
(b) John Keats
(c) Shelley himself
(d) None of the above

35. We meet characters such as Asia, Hercules, Jupiter in
(a) Hellas
(b) Prometheus Unbound
(c) Adonais
(d) Queen Mab

  1. B
  2. B
  3. C
  4. B
  5. C
  6. D
  7. C
  8. A
  9. D
  10. A
  11. D
  12. B
  13. A
  14. C
  15. A
  16. D
  17. B
  18. D
  19. B
  20. C
  21. D
  22. B
  23. D
  24. D
  25. C
  26. B
  27. C
  28. B
  29. A
  30. B
  31. B
  32. A
  33. C
  34. B
  35. B